
Bitcrushing Audio with JavaScript

One day, I realized the truth: bitcrushing is cool. For a long time, I thought it wasn't useful unless you weren't making 8-bit video game soundtracks or chiptune music. But then I bought the dreamy and desolate Fez Soundtrack, which is something of a masterclass in bitcrushing. I also heard Deerhoof's "Sexy But Sparkly". Bitcrushing can be forward-looking, a tool versatile enough to evoke digital desolation or add a satisfying crunch to the bass guitar. Let's dive into how it works and then build a proof of concept in Javascript.

Here's a fully-functioning example of what we're going to build:

Bitcrusher Demo

You can find the self-contained, functioning code here.

From Air to Bytes

Before we dive into bitcrushing, a strictly digital process, let's talk about how sound in a room makes its way to a track in your computer's software. According to Gareth Loy, author of the great book Musimathics, when you strike a tuning fork, "what you hear is a result of the periodic changes in air pressure at your eardrum caused by the vibration of the air set in motion" [1]. When the propagation of excited air molecules reaches a microphone, the microphone converts the back-and-forth air pressure fluctuations into electrical signal. Once converted to electricity, an analog-to-digital converter, or ADC, can then take snapshots at a some consistent rate to represent the momentary amplitude of the analog signal. The rate at which the samples are taken is called the sample rate, and the numeric depth of the amplitude readings is the bit depth.

Bit-Reduction and Downsampling

I took a short audio clip of some experimention recorded into Logic Pro's Bitcrusher, adjusting the bit depth and the downsampling factor. Here is the clip with no bit-crushing.

And the visualization from the Logic Pro bitrcusher interface.

the test file with no bitcrushing applied

Notice that the resolution is set to 24-bit. Since the resolution and downsampling configuration matches that of the original file, the sound will remain unmodified.

Before we start to manipulate the sample, it's worth noting that there are two ways to bitcrush an audio stream, and they can be used in conjunction. The first is bit-reduction, which reduces the potential range of amplitude values but keeps the sample count constant. In bit reduction, each amplitude value is snapped to its nearest value among a reduced set of discrete values. An amplitude reading in a 24-bit sample can be one of 2^24 values, ranging from -2^23 to 2^23 - 1 or −8,388,608 to 8,388,607. Likewise, in a 4-bit sample, a given amplitude reading can be any of 2^4 possible values, including negative numbers, ranging from -8 to 7.

After reducing the audio clip from 24 to 4 bits, which is quite a reduction (from 16777216 to 16 potential amplitude values), you get an audio file that sounds like this:

Notice how the Logic Pro visualization curve changed from smooth to stepped, which is consistent with our reduction in possible amplitude values that represent the incoming sound.

the test file reduced to 4-bits, no downsampling

To reiterate, bit-reduction works on the value at each sample.

The second method of bitcrushing is downsampling, or reducing the signal stream to every nth sample, giving an approximation of the stream at a less frequent rate. In Logic Pro, the reduction is expressed as a factor of n, so the stream is sampled every nth sample.

Here is the original test file at its original 24-bit bitrate, but excessively downsampled by a factor of 40:

The sample rate of the sound file is 44,100 hz, which means each second of sound is comprised of 44,100 audio samples. The effect of downsample bitcrushing the file by 40x, in the case above, is to retain every 40th sample and discard the rest, which would result in roughly 1100 samples.

the test file reduced to 4-bits, no downsampling

Implementing A Bitcrusher in JavaScript

Because audio programming involves both real-time performance demands and computationally intensive processing, we want to isolate the performance-sensitive code in a separate CPU thread that doesn't have to share resources with other important, thread-blocking web processes like UI events, network calls and generally synchronous code. The Web Audio API provides the AudioWorklet interface to do just this: we can define low-level processing code that reads the input channels' arrays of audio samples, processes them, and writes them out to the output channels' respective output arrays.

Because there are several valid ways to approach building a custom AudioNode, let's let's briefly state the process.

In our custom processing code we will:

  • scaffold the low-level processing code class
  • register the custom processing class with its thread environment
  • implement the actual bitcrushing by writing the AudioWorkletProcessor.process and AudioWorkletProcessor.parameterDescriptor class methods
  • understand the different types of custom AudioParams

And then in our app code, we will:

  • create an audioContext
  • register the custom processing module by filename with the audioContext
  • create our bitcrusher custom audio node by creating an instance of the AudioWorkletNode class with our bitcrushing parameters (bit-depth and downsampling) as options
  • connect our custom bitcrusher to the rest of the audio graph
  • implement a user interface with events that allow a user to manipulate the bitcrusher in real-time

Extending the AudioWorkletProcess class

The following code contains a class definition that extends an existing Web Audio class. It is designed to run in a separate, audio-specific thread due to the performance requirements of audio capture and real-time manipulation.

Let's create a new file called bitcrusher.js and extend the AudioWorkletProcessor class.

  // bitcrusher.js 

  class BitCrusher extends AudioWorkletProcessor {

    // implement static getters so we can access and update them from our bitcrusher instance in the app code (the main thread)
    static get parameterDescriptors () {
        return [{
          name: 'bitDepth',
          defaultValue: 12,
          minValue: 1,
          maxValue: 16
        }, {
          name: 'downsampling',
          defaultValue: 1,
          minValue: 1,
          maxValue: 40

    constructor(options) {
      this._lastSampleValue = 0

    process(inputs, outputs, parameters) {

      const input = inputs[0]
      const output = outputs[0]
      const bits = parameters.bitDepth[0]
      const downsampling = parameters.downsampling[0]

      for (let channelIndex = 0; channelIndex < output.length; ++channelIndex) {
        for (let sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < output[channelIndex].length; ++sampleIndex) {

          if (!input[channelIndex]) return false

          // sample and hold: update last sample value every <downsample>th sample 
          if (sampleIndex % downsampling === 0) {
            const step = Math.pow(0.5, bits)
            this._lastSampleValue = step * Math.floor(input[channelIndex][sampleIndex]/step)

          output[channelIndex][sampleIndex] = this._lastSampleValue


      return true


What are we working with in terms of arguments to process?

  • inputs: a triply-nested array containing the sample data for all input nodes and their constitutive channels. Accessing a sample at sampleIndex would look something like this: inputs[inputNode][channel][sampleIndex]
  • outputs: a triply-nested array with the same structure as inputs but whose sample values are all initialized to 0. A direct copy of each input's channel sample to the same output's channel sample index would simply pass the signal untouched to next audioNode in the graph. If you were to simply not write data to the output arrays, the output to the next node in the audio graph would be silent, as each value would be the untouched default of 0.
  • parameters: an object with strings naming the parameter name and an array of values indicating the parameter values. The value array will have either length 1 or 128, depending on whether it's an a-rate or k-rate paramter.

The HTML component

This is a very 'quick-and-dirty' html file that serves the purpose of showing how a bitcrusher could work. It cuts corners and also lacks a real-world context. There's neither a main.js nor a build phase.

  <!-- index.html -->

  <div class="bitcrusher-demo">
    <style scoped>
      .bitcrusher-demo {
        padding: 20px;
        border-radius: 10px;
        border: 2px lightgray solid;
        width: fit-content;
      .bitcrusher-demo div {
        padding: 10px 0px;
      div.source-selector > label {
        display: inline-block;
      input {
        display: block;
      label {
        display: block;
      label > span,
      label > input {
        display: inline-block;
    <div class="effect-controls">
      <h1>Bitcrusher Demo</h1>
      <div class="source-selector">
        <label>audio clip <input value="audio" type="radio" name="source-selector" checked /></label>
        <label>sine <input value="sine" type="radio" name="source-selector" /> </label>
        <label>square <input value="square" type="radio" name="source-selector"  /></label>
        <label>sawtooth <input value="sawtooth" type="radio" name="source-selector"  /></label>
        <input name="volume" type="range" min="0.0" max="0.7" step="0.05" />
        <span class="volume-value"></span>
        <span>bit depth</span>
        <input name="bits" type="range" min="1" max="16" step="1" />
        <span class="bits-value"></span>
        <input name="downsampling" type="range" min="1" max="40" step="1" />
        <span class="downsampling-value"></span>
    <div class="transport-controls">
      <button name="start">start</button>
      <button name="stop">stop</button>
      <button name="info">info</button>
    <script src="app.js"></script>

The JavaScript Application Code

  // instantiate our Web Audio context

  const context = new AudioContext();

  // bind to our html component selectors and sliders to handle manipulation events
  const startButton = document.querySelector('button[name="start"]')
  const stopButton = document.querySelector('button[name="stop"]')
  const infoButton = document.querySelector('button[name="info"]') 
  const downsampling = document.querySelector('input[name="downsampling"]')
  const downsamplingValue = document.querySelector('.downsampling-value')
  const bits = document.querySelector('input[name="bits"]')
  const bitsValue = document.querySelector('.bits-value')
  const volume  = document.querySelector('input[name="volume"]')
  const volumeValue = document.querySelector('.volume-value')
  const sourceInputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="source-selector"]')
  const sourceSelector = document.querySelector('.source-selector')

  const parameterData = {
    bitDepth: 2,
    downsampling: 1

  startButton.addEventListener('click', init)

  bitsValue.innerText = bits.value
  volumeValue.innerText = volume.value
  downsamplingValue.innerText = downsampling.value

  // when the various sliders are adjusted, update their corresponding internal data 
  volume.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => {
    volumeValue.innerText = target.value

  bits.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => {
    bitsValue.innerText = target.value

  downsampling.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => {
    downsamplingValue.innerText = target.value

  async function init() {

    // when the 'start' button is clicked, reset source corresponding to the selected radio button. 
    let source
    const sourceType = [...sourceInputs].filter(input => input.checked)[0].value

    if (sourceType === 'audio') {
      const url = '/static/audio/bitcrusher-24bits-1x-downsampling.mp3'
      const response = await fetch(url)
      const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer()
      const audioBuffer = await context.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer)
      source = context.createBufferSource()
      source.buffer = audioBuffer
    } else {
      source = context.createOscillator()
      source.frequency.value = 440
      source.type = sourceType

    // register our bitcrusher audio worklet code globally so it's accessible within the WorkletNode thread 
    await context.audioWorklet.addModule('bitcrusher.js')

    // initialize our bitcrusher node to use our 'bitcrusher.js' code
    const bitCrusherNode = new AudioWorkletNode(context, 'bitcrusher', { parameterData })

    // use the node's getter to get a reference to the parameters we need
    const bitDepthParam = bitCrusherNode.parameters.get('bitDepth')
    const downsamplingParam = bitCrusherNode.parameters.get('downsampling')

    const gainNode = context.createGain()
    gainNode.gain.value = volume.value

    volume.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => {
      gainNode.gain.value = parseFloat(target.value)

    downsampling.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => {
      downsamplingParam.value = parseInt(target.value)

    bits.addEventListener('input', ({ target }) => {
      bitDepthParam.value = parseInt(target.value)

    stopButton.addEventListener('click', () => {

    // Connect the source audio node to the input of the bitcrusher

    // connect the bitcrusher's output to the gain node (so we can control the output volume)

    // connect the gain node's output to the master output

    // since this code is triggered every time the play button is pressed, we want to play the source


  startButton.addEventListener('click', init)


  1. Musimathics
  2. w3c audioworkletnode
  3. W3c AudioWorkletExamples
  4. mozilla AudioWorkletProcess documentation